K problému evoluční gnoseologie

Title in English On the problem of evolutionary epistemology


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filosofický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Evolutionary epistemology evolution knowledge genetic memory of living systems socio-cultural information
Description Evolutionary epistemology differs from classical epistemology in that human conceptual knowledge is understood not only as the acquisition of socio-cultural information, but also as the ontic procedure of culture. The thesis is advanced that knowledge is the necessary condition of the existence of all open non-linear systems with internal information, and that therefore all living and cultural systems are able to know. That central thesis is made concrete in this paper by the metaphor of the three readings of reality: information gained by the first reading is preserved in the genetic memory of living systems; information gained by the second reading forms the informational content of the neuronal memory of animals with a CNS; that gained by the third reading is conceptually-coded socio-cultural information. In this context it is pointed out that the socio-cultural adequacy of knowing (truth) cannot have the same ontic correlation as the biotic adquacy of knowing (correctness).

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