Evropská idea. Idea mírové kooperující a sjednocující se Evropy, I. (do roku 1938)

Title in English The European Idea. Idea of Peacefull, Cooperating and Integrating Europe, I. (before 1938)

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2007
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description A query of preconditions, utipistic predecessors, post-enlightement reflections, new ideas of 19th century, strenghthening of economic motivation within the evolution of European idea, Constantin Frantz, Karl Renner, František Weyr, immediate post-war inspirations, the new wyve of "Grossraumwirtschaft"-concepts, Briand plan and the French concepts of integrating Europe from the turn of 20's and 30's, Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, the czechoslovak contribution.
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