

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2003
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The founder of the Russian school of neokantianism was A. Vvedenskii. Amongst the second generation of Russian neokantianists the most famous were his pupils I. Lapshin and N. Losskii. The third generation comprised S. Hessen, G. Gurvich, B.Yakovenko, V. Sezemann, M. Boldyrev, D. Boldyrev, F. Stepun, S. Frank, G. Lanz, G. Shpet. The most radical part of this generation consistently developed line in a sharply antimetaphysical plane (Hessen, N. Boldyrev, Yakovenko), the other part lent itself towards intuitionism or went its own new way.

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