Ústav dějin střední, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity. K výsledkům vědecké práce ve druhé polovině 80. let a k výhledům

Title in English Institute of Central, South-East and East European History of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. On the results of scientific work and the perspectives

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 1991
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovanský přehled
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Central European history; South-East European history; East European history; Hungaristics
Description Scientific work of the Institute during the 2nd half of the 80s and presentation its key publications, namely of syntheses and monographs. Plans for the 1st half of 90s as a continuity of scientific activities in hungaristics, balkanistics and East European historical studies.

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