Korytovo-nivní jednotky v diferenciaci geosystému údolních niv - metodické problémy vymezování, případová studie z povodí Svratky

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Channel-floodplain units in the process of floodplain geosystem differentiation - methodological problems of delimitation, case study from the Svratka Catchment


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Presented paper is devoted to the methodological issues of delimitation and classification of channel-floodplain units (CFU) in fluvial ecosystems. Discussed is the selection of the variables for their delimitation and their integration. Evaluated parameters include morphological, hydrological and biological aspects of fluvial systems. The procedure of CFU delimitation was applied on 36 km long reach of the Svratka River in the landscape protected area Žďárské vrchy. Altogether 12 CFU was identified. We encountered following problems with CFU delimitation: values of applied input parameters do not change significantly in distinct points along the river channel, fluvial system is heavily modified by human activities.
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