Hodžova "nová střední Evropa" a "Hodžův plán". K úskalím výzkumu tématu Milan Hodža jako aktér zahraniční politiky

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Title in English Hodža's "New Central Europe" and "Hodža's Plan". On the delusions of research in theme Milan Hodža as an actor of international politics

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description From the geographical point of view, Hodža's concept of New Central Europe (formulated in 1922-1929) is positively distanced from the contemporary German and Austrian-Hungarian concepts of "Mitteleuropa". Hodža unequivocally promoted the need to find suitable forms of cohabitation of new state units (after WWI). The will to Central Europe unification must proceed from within these units. The Danube Plan (Hodža's Plan) (1934-1936) is not only a prime example of the plan of sectoral integration, but also an outright statement that a succesfully launched sectoral integration in a well-chosen field will in further phases lead to a successful integration in other economic areas and only subsequently to the economic and then political union.
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