New approaches to automated cell image acquisition and analysis using fluorescence microscopy


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Year of publication 2008
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description Fluorescence microscopy has become the leading technology to study structure as well as dynamics of cellular components. The studies can be performed in three-dimensional (3D) spatial coordinate system as well as in time and spectral dimensions. For example, in cell nucleus studies, fluorescence microscopy enables to observe not only 3D chromatin structure (especially spatial organization of selected genes or chromosomes) but also its dynamics in space (time-lapse imaging of fluorescence-labeled histones within cell nucleus). At the Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis of Masaryk University in Brno, we have been developing special systems for automated cell image acquisition and analysis using fluorescence microscopy. We have called them high-resolution image cytometers (HRCMs) in literature. The presentation will focus on the latest developments in HRCM technology. Besides microscopy hardware and software, also examples of possible applications will be presented.
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