Konventní kostel olomouckých minoritů ve středověku. (Příspěvek k poznání nástupu poklasické gotiky v rámci okruhu staveb olomouckého biskupa Bruna ze Schauenburka).

Title in English Convent Church of Olomouc Franciscans in the Middle Ages. Contribution to Understanding of Begginings pof the Post-Classical Gothic in the Context of Building commissioned by Olomouc Bishop Bruno of Schauenburg


Year of publication 1998
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Střední Morava
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Olomouc Franciscans; Post-Classical Gothic; Moravia; Olomouc Bishops; Bruno of Schauenburg
Description The study analysis non-existed Gothic building of Olomouc Franciscans, represented probably example of special building production of the circle of Olomouc bishop Bruno of Schauenburg representing the style of post-classical Gothic.

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