Tvoření nejstarších českých oikonym (bohemika z 11.-13. století)

Title in English Formation of the oldest Czech place names (Bohemica from 11th to 13th century)


Year of publication 2007
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presented thesis introduces a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the oldest Czech place names. It issues from the word-building theory by Miloš Dokulil and is linked to the description of the old-Czech common nouns word-building. It also follows a description of the structure of old-Czech personal names. Czech place names, excerpted from the edition Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae (I – V; 805 – 1278), created by the word-building process of derivation, are included in the analysis. Knowledge obtained by the analysis of the material made it possible to come to the conclusion about a building of the oldest Czech place names in the studied period.

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