Slovosled reflexivního výrazu "se" ve frazi verba finita v barokní češtině

Title in English Word order of reflexive clitic "se" in finite VP in the Czech language of the Baroque Period


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jazyk a jeho proměny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords diachronic syntax; historical development of Czech language; word order; pronominal clitics; Baroque Czech language
Description The study is focused on the analysis of possible word order position of the reflexive pronoun "se" in the phrases of a finite verb in Baroque Czech. This study is based on the data collected from a small corpus of several Czech Baroque prints (from the 1650/1750 period) representing different genres and styles of the Czech language of that period. The word "se" has the status of a "pure" clitic (mainly enclitic) in Baroque Czech. Its position is governed by the following factors: 1. rhythmical factors, 2. grammatical factors, 3. factors of the functional sentence perspective.
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