Ženský časopis - cesta ke kultivování jazyka

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Title in English Women magazine - a way toward cultivation of language


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jezyk i literatura czeska w europejskim kontekście kulturowym
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords cultivation of language; women magazine; beginning of the 20th century
Description The language of women magazines of the beginning of the 20th century is a language consciously non-artistic in most of the magazines pages (except for serial novels and occasional verses), though it played a role in forming of codified Czech and in spreading of the knowledge of it. It does not deserve condemnation just because it was for housewives only, because it was based on codification, then at birth but now obsolete, and least of all because it was used for topics viewed as comical nowadays. It was a product of its time but the era was also a source for the future development of Czech in an independent country. The language was, in addition, a model for language of children (at that time being raised only in families) and has remained so until now. And it is also a source for contemporary laic attitudes to language, no matter how some of them may be regarded old-fashioned.
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