Morphological effects of woody debris in streams and rivers

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geoscape
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords woody debris; biogeomorphology; river channel; fluvial forms;
Description This contribution is dedicated to the morphological interactions between dead woody vegetation in water courses and fluvial processes and forms. Generally it means that presented article is engaged in fluvial biogeomorphology. Woody debris (WD) in streams and rivers is very less known term in the Czech Republic from the natural sciences point of view. Through the numerous surveys all around the world was found out, that WD is an integral and important element of many river landscapes. Here are firstly described the basis of these problems and after that are shown selected results from the survey in the Czech Republic, which was made by Department of Geography in Brno. At this time we have the basic information about the WD structure from six Czech rivers. We also have the share of pieces with any morphological effect. It alters from 3 % to 40 % pieces. From the geomorphological point of view is, among others, very important influence on sediment grain size, bed-load stability, sediment transport and storage, pool-riffle sequence, bank erosion, and of course on habitat diversity. Czech river management practices can not operate with dead wood in river channels and it lead to its removal. These practices had and still have environmental impacts and consequences. Presented results should contribute to the river landscape better understanding.
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