Multilingualism in Football Teams: Methodology of Fieldwork

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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Language and Literature: European Landmarks of Identity
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords multilingualism; sociolinguistics; fieldwork; language and football; multilingual working environment; questionnaire
Description The article reports on a recent research project on multilingualism in international football teams. It outlines the aims and goals of the project and details the methodology for obtaining relevant data. The main focus in on one specific method of fieldwork - the questionnaire - and the way it has been used in the current project. The questionnaire is compared to the other method through which data have been obtained during the research, namely the interview. A discussion of the questions is followed by an analysis of the nature of some of the multilingual situations in which players need to use foreign languages, detailing the players' own perceptions and actual linguistic performance.
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