Kázání Petra Žitavského, opata cisterciáckého kláštera na Zbraslavi (1316-1339). Pokus o rekonstrukci kazatelova vystoupení

Title in English A Sermon by Peter of Zittau, Abbot of the Cistercian Monastery in Zbraslav (1316-1339). An Attempt at a Reconstruction of the Preacher's Speech


Year of publication 2005
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper dealed with the collection of sermons Sermones de principalibus festis by Peter of Zittau. In the text of the sermons, the author looked for the indicia giving evidence of the circumstances of the preacher's speech that preceded the written record. On this basis the form of Cistercian preaching was explained.
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