Jan Patočka a Kosíkova Dialektika konkrétního

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Title in English Jan Patočka and Kosíks The Dialectics of the Concrete.


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Czech Philosophy
Description Kosíks work The Dialectics of the Concrete (1963) attracted a lot of attention in Czechoslovakia and abroad. One of the people to respond to the work in the 1960s was Jan Patočka. It caused his interest among other things for the fact that Kosík used elements of Hegels philosophy to overcome dogmatic Marxism. Patočka pointed out that Kosík had not accepted the ontological intention of Heideggers analyses of everydayness, which creates a form of contradiction in his work. Kosíks dialectics of the concrete, which stems from an analysis of practice, did not, according to Patočka, thus become a dialectics of real life.
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