Honestus et eruditus civis et artifex. Umělecké a knižní sbírky vzdělaných měšťanských umělců 18. století (Brno, Moravská Třebová, Praha)
Title in English | Honestus et eruditus civis et artifex. Art collections and libraries of the learned artists (doctus artifex) in the 18th century |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Documenta Pragensia. Město a intelektuálové od středověku do roku 1848 |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | http://www.AHMP.cz |
Field | Art, architecture, cultural heritage |
Keywords | Art collections and libraries of the learned artists; doctus artifex; Andreas Schweigl ; Judas Thaddäus Josef Supper; Johann Quirin Jahn |
Description | Study uses the examples of learned d artists in Brno (sculptor Andreas Schweigl /1735-1812/ and architect Franz Anton Grimm /1710-1784/), in Moravská Třebová (painter Judas Thaddäus Josef Supper /1712-1771/) and in Prague Johann Quirin Jahn /1739-1802/), to point out the attitude of this type of artist towards the book and find out the role, which they, together with art collections, played in their artistic activities. The list of art books from the property of Johann Quirin Jahn is published in appendix. |
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