Vztah mezi tvořivostí pubescentů a některými faktory rodinného prostředí

Title in English The relationship between creativity of pubescents and some factors of family environment


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.elis.sk
Field Psychology
Keywords creativity; figural creativity; verbal creativity; family environment; pubescence
Description The study deals with links between some aspects of family environment and figural and verbal creativity of pubescents. The results confirmed only a small number of the assumed links. Weak correlations of the negative value were evident between the perceieved orientation of family on success and verbal creativity, and also between organization of family and figural creativity. Furthermore, a link between the birth order of pubescents and figural creativity was confirmed. Achievement in the TSD-Z test correlated with achievement in the Sentence subtest. A difference between boys and girls, too, was confirmed in the perception of family environment conflictness. Gender differences were not confirmed in achievement of pubescents in creativity tests.

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