Ausgewählte Tendenzen im böhmischen Deutsch des 14. Jh.s am Beispiel der Deutschen Chronik von Böhmen

Title in English Selected Tendencies in the German Language of the 14th century Bohemian Lands ; German Chronicle of Bohemia

BROM Vlastimil

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Loudová, Kateřina - Žáková, Marie (ed.): Early European Languages in the Eyes of Modern Linguistics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords German Language; 14th century; Bohemian Lands; German; Chronicle of Bohemia
Description Some characteristic features and tendencies in the German language of the 14th century are discussed, mainly with respect to the forms spoken in the Bohemian Lands; the textual base of the observations is the so called German Chronicle of Bohemia - the rhymed German translation of the Old Czech Dalimil-Chronicle.
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