Zu einigen syntaktischen Funktionen des altrussischen Infinitivs im Lichte der antiken Sprachen

Title in English To some syntactic functions of the old Russian infinitive in the light of ancient languages

ŽAŽA Stanislav

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Graeco-Latina Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.phil.muni.cz/wff/home/publikace/sborn%EDky/graeco-latina-brunensia
Field Linguistics
Keywords infinitive; predicate; simple sentence; compound predicate; accusative with infinitive
Description The author describes the old Russian infinitive dependent on a predicate of a simple sentence. This infinitive occurs as a) a part of compound predicate, b) an object, c) an adverbial phrase. The main difference between the use of old Russian infinitive and Greek and Latin infinitives consists in various conditions of occurrence of the constructions containing the accusative + infinitive. Owing to the influence of Old Church Slavonic the use of old Russian infinitive shows more agreeing features wuth Greek than with Latin.
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