Česko-chorvatské vztahy od středověku do současnosti

Title in English Czech-Croatian Relations Since the Middle Ages to the Present Day


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovanský přehled. Review of Central and South Eastern History
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Czech-Croatian Relations
Description The author's intention is to present a compendious overview of the Czech-Croatian political, cultural and economic relations, which have a centuries-old tradition. A mutual interaction between Czech and Croatian people had been particularly bountiful and intensive during the last few decades of the Czech-Croatian coexistence in a common state - the Hapsburg monarchy. The relations took on a new course after the establishment of independent Czech and Croatian states at the beginning of the 1990s and they have been advancing since. The author strives to render an account of all significant chapters of a history of the Czech-Croatian contacts and cooperation. The article is written in a concise form and it is footnoted with a relevant literature published in Czech and Croatian languages. Therefore, it could serve as a handy introduction to the study of the Czech-Croatian relations, particularly useful for young students of the South Slavonic history and philology.

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