´Rinascimento oscuro´ a vznešený detail
Title in English | ´Rinascimento oscuro´ and the noble detail |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Ivo Hlobil, Marek Perůtka (ed.), Historická Olomouc XVII. Úsvit renesance na Moravě za vlády Matyáše Korvína a Vladislava jagellonského (1479-1516) v širších souvislostech. |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Art, architecture, cultural heritage |
Keywords | The early renaissance; Federico Zeri; Tovačov; Moravia. |
Description | Inspired by text by Federico Zeriho (Renaissance and pseudorenaissance), the author tries to interpret the presence of the Renaissance forms at chateau Tovačov. He supposes that the main portal and the female portrait medallion on one hand show a memorial function , and on other hand symbolize the coming of the new age with King Vladislav II. through their sublime forms. |
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