Geoinformační infrastruktury pro vědu a společnost. Kongresový sborník CAGI, Brno 2010.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Spatial Data Infrastructures for Science and Society. Congress Proceedings by CAGI, Brno 2010.


Year of publication 2010
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Structured Proceedings from traditional national Goe-information Congress attended also by forign experts was focused on challenges coming out from contemporary economicla regress and crisis. GI technologies are a commodity, indicating and influencing if we truly have the information and knowledge socie ty. The programme sections Economy and coordination of GIS and SDI elaborated that we must not underestimate the geoinformation and that this ICT branch represents one of real chances for improving the economical efficiency in crisis times. Aside from the sections Technological News and Innovations or Education and GI Literacy brought traditionaly good content and discussions, we first time prefaced hot-topic Geoinformation for Security and Safety. The Proceedings addresses the Czech national audience of professionals to get up-to-date overview and new submissions in applied Geoinformatics.
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