Novomeinongovské pojetí existence

Title in English The neo-Meinongian Conception of Existence


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filosofický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords existence, theory of objects, actualism, possibilism, Meinong, neo-Meinongian theories
Description The article deals with neo-Meinongian theories of existence and objects. The pivotal problem is the question to what degree these theories are consistent with the possibilism espoused by Meinong. The author reconstructs the naive theory of objects which constitutes Meinongian possibilism. The author investigates the conceptions of T. Parsons, W. Rapaport and E. Zalta, and analyses their relation with the naive theory of objects and their resolutions of the paradoxes of this conception. The author reaches the conclusion that the neo-Meinongian theory radically diverges from the naive theory in how it deals with existential claims, and is, on the contrary, closer to the actualist conception of existence. In conclusion it is shown that the possibilist-actualist controversy is only terminological.

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