Non-Church and Detraditionalised Religiosity in Czechia: The Case of Hinduism



Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description It elaborates necessary conditions of acculturation of "foreign" traditions in modern West, and on the case of further development of Yoga and the Hare Krishna Movements shows particular problems these movements had to face in the situation of political/social transformation. It represents development of these movements as a process determined by the role of (printed) media and its change in transition from Communism to post-Communism on one hand, and by the public representation and discussion about NRMs during the 1990s on the other hand. Inner tensions and splits these movements faced in this period are presented as correlates of their specific position in a society in political/social transition. Some peculiarities of this transition and of the position of Hare Krishnas in Czechia are clarified on the background of comparison with the situation in Hungary.
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