Gombrichův návrat k Jacobu Burckhardtovi.

Title in English Gombrichs return to Jacob Burckhardt


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference František Mikš-Ladislav Kesner (eds.), Gombrich: Porozumět umění a jeho dějinám. Ke stému výročí narození E. H. Gombricha.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Art history; E. H. Gombrich; history of art as history of tasks
Description Ernst H. Gombrich published his last book The Uses of Images in the year 2000. In it, somewhat surprisingly, he signed to the legacy of one of the founders of the scientific history of art, to Jacob Burckhardt. He somewhat narrowed the Burckhardts program in an analogy with economics and market environment for creating artworks. Despite this, he acknowledged the need for the future of cultural history, in which the task of art could be investigated. While Burckhardt emphasized self-reference for the upcoming art history, Ernst H. Gombrich in his text gives us much more key to understanding his study of art history.
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