"Religious", or "Spiritual"? Media Discourses in Contemporary Czech Society



Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The importance of labels "spiritual" and "religious" for contemporary social identities has already been suggested by sociologists of religion, e.g. W. C. Roof (1999). This conference contribution presented research aimed at mapping and analysis of discourses about "religion"/"religious" and "spirituality"/"spiritual" in Czech periodicals (2009). Besides mapping of main discourses, it looked at ways in which the difference between "religion" and "spirituality" was constructed (or neglected) and considered a question whether the labels "religious" and "spiritual" functioned as markers of a specific identity. In addition, the research and its preliminary results were discussed with regard to the possibilities of the study of diverse forms of detraditionalized religiosity or the so-called New Age.

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