Evaluation in den Internet-Foren

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Title in English Evaluation in the Internet Discussions


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Beiträge zur germanistischen Pädagogik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Evaluation; language; internet discussion; rozhovor; cloning; context; implicite evaluation; metaphor; comparision
Description My article is devoted to appraisal language means in Internet Discussion-Forums added to on-line-articles with bioethics themes, concretely cloning. There are Internet Discussion-Forums as a new form of conversation dealt in rudimental form as well as bioethics in the theoretical part. The set of text-examples demonstrates the way language is used to evaluate. Lexical, grammatical and stylistic means of evaluation are provided in the practical part too. The conclusion of the analysis – the context of the statement must be accounted, if a lexical mean ought to be declared for evaluative. The Evaluation bases on values. That’s why a contrast of opposite values seems to be the most frequent instrument to express the evaluation in the provided analysis. The evaluation expressed by means of only implicit evaluative – as for example irony or metaphorical diction – deserves closer attention.
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