Šedesátá léta: Proměny narativu z pohledu literárního kritika oněch let

Title in English The sixties: Metamorphosis of narratives from the point of view of a literary critic of that time.


Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The study analyses works of L. Bublík, I. Klíma, M. Kundera, V. Neff, O. Daněk, K. Michal, A. Vostrá, J. Otčenášek, A. Lustig, L. Fuks, J. Škvorecký, J. Fried, J. Jedlička, V. Páral, I. Vyskočil, L. Vaculík a V. Linhartová of the 1960s.

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