Analýza pravěkých a raně historických nálezů z povrchových sběrů v okolí Břeclavi

Title in English An analysis of prehistoric and early historic finds from surface collections in the surroundings of Břeclav

PETR Michal

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords GIS, Břeclav-Pohansko, surface collection, field walking, archaeological prediction, event density, methodology, settlement continuity
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Description The text is an evaluation of an analysis of the prehistoric part of archaeological material acquired by on-going field walking in the surroundings of Břeclav. The analysis was carried out using a combination of archaeological and statistical methods and GIS tools. The observation was focused on verifying the validity of the prediction model for prehistoric sites and the relationship of settlements in various periods to one another and to the landscape structure.
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