Pojem postmoderna a otázky metodologie v současné francouzské literatuře

Title in English Concept of postmodernism and methodology in research in contemporary French written literature


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ročenka Kruhu moderních filologů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.kmof.cz/docs/rocenka_23.pdf
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Postmodernism ; post-modernism ; Nouveau roman ; Tel Quel ; contemporary French Literature ; Jean-François Lyotard
Description With particular regard to the French context, the present article attempts to briefly outline the basic characteristics of a literary field which falls into the period usually called "the contemporary literature". Following the work of Jean-François Lyotard, we define this period through paradigmatic changes by means of which Lyotard describes the postmodern situation. The literary field of this period (the last quarter of the 20th century) provides parallels to Lyotard’s observations, that allow us to characterize some of the processes described as postmodern. Based on these processes, we then try to formulate features that are typical of the poetics of the novel in the postmodern situation. These are naturally too general categories that need further and detailed study in specific cases. However, we believe that these basic concepts allow us to describe a period that is still alive, and to theoretically conceptualize phenomena typical of the fictional literature after 1980. Finally, these concepts represent a methodological platform for further theoretical insights.
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