Si lo dixiese de mío: averroísmos y ortodoxia en el Libro de buen amor

Title in English Si lo dixiese de mío: Averroism and orthodoxy in the Libro de buen amor


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Romanistica, AFPUO
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Averroism heterodox aristotelianism naturalism sin confession marriage Summa
Description This article analyzes the problem of latin averroism or heterodox aristotelianism in the Libro de buen amor (14th c.), drawing from the works of Rico and Blecua, but offering a different reading. It examines the central themes of that problem pointing out that the LBA falls within that important debate, defending the orthodox position of the Church. The article also illustrates other key aspects of the Libro in relation to the main argument.

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