Los santos inocentes de Mario Camus (lecturas y representaciones fílmicas de la dominación en la Espana de Franco)

Title in English Camus’ Holy Innocents (Readings and Filmic Representations of Domination During Franco’s Spain)


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Romanistica, AFPUO
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.osu.eu/index.php?kategorie=35783&id=4086
Field Linguistics
Keywords Camus Delibes domination representation film
Description After a brief theoretical introduction about the media, the first part of the article analyses the ideological atmosphere in Spain during the release Mario Camus’ Los santos inocentes (1984) and its relationship with the political contradictions in Spain at that time: the article maintains that there is an interaction between past and present in the film. The second part of the article makes a closer reading of the aspects of domination as represented in the film, considering its portrayal of the main characters.

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