Role bezpečnosti v rámci informační gramotnosti

Title in English Role of security within the scope of information literacy


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords strategic documents; standards; security; models; Information literacy; information education
Attached files
Description The information literacy and related information education have relatively long history, theoretical ground and recognition by professional and non-professional public. There are still new activities which strive to develop these concepts. It is clear that not every issue which may be assigned to the information education can be deeply taught within the scope of the general and further education. Therefore this article explains why courses developing information literacy should give significant attention to security issues and which of them should be emphasized. Reasoning is based on selected generally accepted standards and models, strategic documents and, of course, theoretical findings from the scholarly literature. The theory is supplemented by an example of learning in one area of information security, which is a part of a comprehensive university course of information literacy.

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