Pour féliciter 2025
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
Venue: Meeting room of the Dean's Office
Excused: Roman Novotný
Dean of FF MU doc. Irena Radová requests approval of the proposal for a new Scientific Board for the duration of her term of office. The proposal will be justified by: the Dean, Vice-Dean Knoz.
Vote and resolution
The FF MU management submits the macro tables of the faculty budget for discussion. The FF MU AS EC discussed the materials per rollam and agreed to recommend them to the Senate for approval.
The budget will be justified by FF MU Dean I. Radová, FF MU Secretary I. Jurtík and the chairman of the FF MU AS Economic Committee D. Zbíral.
Vote and resolution
The Chair of the FF MU EC also requested that the methodology for allocating funds to the departments be submitted for consideration by the Senate, but this will not be submitted until the next meeting, given the timetable for the preparation of the university-wide budget.
The applications will be presented by the guarantors of the programmes. PhDr. Miluše Juříčková, CSc., doc. Mgr. Sylvie Stanovská, Dr.
Voting and resolution
The proposal is presented and introduced by the Vice-Dean Zdenka Jastrzembská.
MU will open an extraordinary admissions procedure exclusively for persons who meet the conditions of the so-called Lex Ukraine, i.e. are subject to temporary protection in the meaning of Act No. 65/2022 Coll. The collection of applications will take place between 15 April and 31 May 2022. Applicants will apply for studies at the MU Faculty of Arts, not for individual programmes. The applications will be assessed by the supervisor (or a committee appointed by him/her) of the programme in which the applicant is interested in the basis of the documents provided (mainly the completed motivation form). On this basis, they will then recommend or not recommend the applicant's admission. The sponsor (or committee) may request a personal interview with the applicant before deciding. Each applicant will also be enrolled in an intensive Czech language course organised by the MU Language Learning Centre, which will run until August 2022. The programme guarantors will be informed of further details.
Resolution and vote
Doc. David Zbíral submits a proposal to establish the AS FF MU Science Committee.
The AS FF MU does not yet have a committee that would deal with the direction of the faculty in the field of science and research. This is an important component of the life of the Faculty, its long-term plan, its reputation and its budget, which needs to be monitored and covered from the perspective of the Senate.
The proposed composition of the committee (candidates have agreed to the nomination):
Voting and resolution
The report is presented by the chairman of the ad hoc committee, dr. Stanislav Bárta.
Discussion and possible draft resolution
At the last meeting, Vice-Dean Šaur asked the Senate to discuss and approve the new Disciplinary Regulations. The documents were reviewed by the AS FF MU Legislative Committee and it decided to propose the submitted Disciplinary Regulations for consideration by the Senate in a slightly amended form: one wording was added. It is desirable to comment on the MU Disciplinary Regulations.
Jakub Zikmund, Chairman of the AS FF MU Legislative Committee, will give his reasons.
Resolution and vote
The chair of the committee Dagmar Pichová will inform.
Resolution and vote
Brno, 18 April 2022
doc. PhDr. Václav Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Chairman of the AS FF MU