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It also approved a detailed budget and a request for accreditation of the first distance program. The Senate Science Committee was expanded.
At its meeting on 23 May 2022, the Academic Senate of FF MU approved the text and form of the FF MU Annual Report for 2021, which was prepared by the previous management.
Changes in the Familiarisation with Regulations application were presented: the process of familiarising individual packages of regulations was slightly relaxed in time. Each regulation will also be provided with a brief annotation in points and links for further study of the given issue for those interested. The Administrative Committee will continue to be involved in user testing of the annotations.
Senators then approved an update of the faculty's long-term strategic goals for 2022 and the final budget for each faculty unit.
A Senate placet was given to the newly developed Information Services Design degree program, prepared by the Department of Information and Library Studies. This is the first program of its kind in the entire university: it will be designed entirely at a distance.
The expansion of the Science Committee, whose establishment had been approved by the Senate at the last meeting, was discussed. The following members were eventually added:
Finally, the discussion again touched upon the recent unexpected reduction of funds that the faculty was supposed to receive from the university-wide budget for internationalization.
The detailed course of the meeting of the Senate is recorded in the minutes.
The next standard meeting of the Senate will be held on 19 September 2022.
You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
The modern premises were created by reconstructing rooms in the basement of Building J, which formerly housed the faculty cafeteria Krmítko, and offer doctoral students quality facilities for their dissertation research. The construction and furnishing of the new rooms was funded by the MUNI4PhD project.