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You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
There will be no regular classes in the week of 13 November 2023. Instead, we will have a reading week again. A common part of the semester abroad, it will open up opportunities for students and faculty to engage in activities that will deepen their professional competencies but are difficult to fit into the regular schedule.
Students can read the entire novel to discuss it in a relevant way the following week. They can work with their classmates on a concentrated day-long project that they couldn't do in the limited time in their schedule. They can immerse themselves in the intensive study of sources in libraries and archives, comparing different historical sources, searching for answers to unanswered questions, or discovering the benefits of the more common reading of the past. Finally, they can attend special lectures, for example, as part of Humanities Week.
However, Reading Week is also an opportunity for teachers to immerse themselves in reading, attend one of the upcoming events of the Humanities Weeks, or meet with colleagues and devote a whole day to conceptual work. They can organize extraordinary workshops, prepare conferences, and organize (inter)disciplinary meetings. In short, they can devote themselves to anything that does not fit the rhythm of regular teaching or for which space and time are hard to find during the semester.
Since 2023, Reading Week has become a fixed part of the semester. It will take place in the spring term of 2024 from 15-19 April and will be linked to Teachers' Week. Dates for future semesters can be found in the Employee Portal.
You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
The modern premises were created by reconstructing rooms in the basement of Building J, which formerly housed the faculty cafeteria Krmítko, and offer doctoral students quality facilities for their dissertation research. The construction and furnishing of the new rooms was funded by the MUNI4PhD project.