Medieval Latin Language and Literature
Follow-up Master's degree in full-time form. The language of instruction is Czech.
The programme can be studied as a single subject or in combination with another programme.
Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 April 2025.
What will you learn?
The master's degree programme in Medieval Latin language and literature provides an opportunity to learn about Latin works which have formed the European culture and its values in the course of thousand years. It evolves cultural knowledge and analytical abilities required nowadays in various disciplines.
The study of Medieval Latin language and literature is realised as a part of the main degree programme (maior) or as a single subject programme (completus). It aims to further extend and deepen language competencies and focuses on obtaining active knowledge of theoretical and methodological techniques employed in philology. With regard to the connection of the Middle Ages to Antiquity, this master's degree programme profits from the students’ knowledge of the classical Latin language and ancient Latin literature gained in the course of their bachelor studies. In contrast to the bachelor's degree, which specialises in the classical Latin language, the objective of this follow-up master's degree is to acquaint the students with all later phases of theLatin language and its development up to the late Middle Ages. Students will gain an overview of ortographic, phonological, morphological and syntactic phenomenona of the medieval Latin language, they will understand late ancient and medieval Latin differences from the normative Latin grammar and the so-called classical style. They will gain orientation in the changes of the Latin vocabulary untill the late Middle Ages. Students will also obtain detailed knowledge of the Bohemian and European medieval literature written in Latin, the plurality of the given genre, formal and content related pecularities as well as good knowledge of the history of literature, medieval libraries and writings, and a general knowledge of political history of the Middle Ages.Instrue, quid possis, animum, ne discere cesses. Catonis Disticha moralia III, 1.
The study of Medieval latin language and literature as a minor study degree (minor) is suitable to students whose study degrees are based on the work with Latin primary sources. This minor degree provides students with a detailed knowledge of the development of the Latin language and literature and the related medieval sociocultural context, which are pertinent to or supplement their major fields of study. A very important part of the study is represented by reading the original texts, which leads up to the competence of multilateral interpretation of the Latin texts (i.e. from the gramatical, literary and cultural-historical point of view). These skills are also exercised by reading the medieval works in English translation.
Practical training
This programme does not require an obligatory practice. In case of interest, students could pass an internship at several institution which preserve medieval manuscripts (Moravian Library, Moravian Archive in Brno, Brno City Archive) or at the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Further information
Career opportunities
The graduates of this study programme are well-suited for any profession in cultural institutions, e.g. museums, archives or libraries, where medieval texts and other medieval material is preserved. They will be able to independently and critically work with primary sources, use informative textual sources and deal with medieval literary material. These skills will provide an ideal basis for working at research institutes specialized in the humanities, such as the Academy of Sciences or universities. Our alumni/ae will be also ready to work as lecturers at universities or teachers of history and modern languages at high schools. Many of our graduates also work as advisors in publishing houses or various media, including the TV or radio channels.
Admission requirements
Deadline for submitting applications: January 1 - April 30
Who the programme is intended for: The programme is intended for graduates of any Bachelor’s degree programme.
Subject matter of the entrance examination: written examination and oral interview.
The oral interview focuses on the study motivation of the applicant and general knowledge about the field.
Waiver of the entrance examination: The entrance examination can be waived for applicants who have passed the Bachelor’s examination in the field/programme of Latin Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University with an excellent (A), very good (B), or good (C) result. The entrance examination may also be waived for applicants whose overall result of the Bachelor's State Examination in programme of Latin Language and Literature at the MU Faculty of Arts was assessed as “passed with excellent results”. Applicants can ask for a waiver for the entrance examination via the e-application form, section "Application for waiver of the entrance examination".
Website Department of Classical Studies.
General information on the course of the admission procedure to the follow-up Master’s degree programmes at FA MU can be found here. Documents for the current admission procedure are kept in Materials for Applicants.
Criteria for evaluation
Pass/fail line of the entrance examination: 60 points (out of 100).
Recommended literature
NOVOTNÝ, František. Základní latinská mluvnice. 2. vyd., 1. vyd. v H & H. Praha: H & H, 1992. ISBN 80-85467-91-7.
PANHUIS, Dirk. Gramatika latiny. Přel. Lucie PULTROVÁ. Vyd. 1. Praha: Academia, 2014. ISBN 978-80-200-2335-3.
KAMÍNKOVÁ, Eva, Bohumila MOUCHOVÁ a Antonín BARTONĚK. Cvičebnice latinské syntaxe. 1. vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1973.
MIKULOVÁ, Jana. Syntax latinských vedlejších vět. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. ISBN 978-80-210-7073-8.
CONTE, Gian Biagio. Dějiny římské literatury. Přel. Dagmar BARTOŇKOVÁ a kol. Vyd. 1. Praha: KLP-Koniasch Latin Press, 2003. ISBN 8085917874.
Compulsory reading in the original
C. Iulius Caesar. Commentarii Belli Gallici. I, VI.
M. Tullius Cicero. In Catilinam I; Pro Archia poeta; Somnium Scipionis; Tusculanae disputationes I.
C. Sallustius Crispus. Catilinae coniuratio.
P. Ovidius Naso. Metamorphoses I 1–360, 452–567; II 833–875. III 400–510; IV 55–166; VI 146–312; VIII 611–720; X 1–77, 243-297; XV 199-236, 745–776, 871-879; Tristia IV 10, Amores 5.
C. Catullus. 1, 3, 8, 51.
T. Livius. Ab urbe condita I.
P. Vergilius Maro. Aeneis I, II, IV; Bucolica 1, 4.
Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years
Study options
Single-subject studies
Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.
Full-time studies in czech
What will you learn?
Combined studies
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Aesthetics and Culture Studies (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Ancient Greek Language and Literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts
(Currently no open admission procedure) -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Ancient History (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Andragogy (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Archaeology (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Archival Studies (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Auxiliary Historical Sciences (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Baltic Studies (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Computational Linguistics (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Culture Management (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Czech Language and Literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Ethnology (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ French language and literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ General Linguistics (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ History (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Information and Library Studies (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Italian Language and Literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Latin language and literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Literature and Intercultural Communication (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Museology (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Musicology (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Pedagogy (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Philosophy (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Portuguese Language and Literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Slavistics (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Social pedagogy and counselling (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Sound Design and Multimedial Technology (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Spanish Language and Literature (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Study of Religions (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Theatre Studies (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture (minor) – Faculty of Arts -
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Theory of Interactive Media (minor) – Faculty of Arts
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Economics and Administration
Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior) (major), full-time studies
+ Economics (minor) – Faculty of Economics and Administration
Medieval Latin Language and Literature as a minor degree programme
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts
Aesthetics and Cultural Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Ancient Greek Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor)
(Currently no open admission procedure) -
Ancient History (MA) (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Andragogy (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Archaeology (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Archival Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Art History (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Auxiliary Historical Sciences (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Baltic Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Chinese Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Computational Linguistics (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Culture Management (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Czech Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Ethnology (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
French Literature and Linguistics (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
General Linguistics (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
German Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
History (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Information and Library Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Italian Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Latin Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Literature and Intercultural Communication (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Museology (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Musicology (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Pedagogy (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Philosophy (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Portuguese Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Slavonic Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Social Education and Counselling (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Sound Design and Multimedial Technology (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Spanish Language and Literature (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Study of Religions (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Theatre Studies (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor) -
Theory of Interactive Media (major) – Faculty of Arts, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor)
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Economics and Administration
Economics (major) – Faculty of Economics and Administration, full-time studies
+ Medieval Latin Language and Literature (minor)
Courses – curriculum examples
An example of your study plan:
Single-subject studies
Combined studies
Follow-up studies
After completion of the Masters's degree programme, it is possible to continue further studies in the doctoral degree study programme of Medieval Latin Language and Literature ( This interdisciplinary programme can be studies as a single-subject programme or with specialisation in the so-called historical languages of the Czech lands (this study plan is organized on the basis of Latin-German-Czech character of medieval literature and deals with other languages that were used in written sources of Bohemian provenance).
Study information
Provided by | Faculty of Arts | |
Type of studies | Follow-up master's | |
Mode | full-time | Yes |
combined | No | |
distance | No | |
Study options | single-subject studies | Yes |
single-subject studies with specialization | No | |
major/minor studies | Yes | |
Standard length of studies | 2 years | |
Language of instruction | Czech |
Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail
doc. Mgr. Petra Mutlová, M.A., Ph.D.
e‑mail: |