Living in Brno

QS World University Ranking

The QS World University Rankings by Subject are compiled annually to help prospective students identify the leading universities in a particular subject. Research citations, along with the results of major global surveys of employers and academics are used to rank universities. 

2021 QS Ranking:

  • English Language & Literature (Faculty of Arts): 251–300

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Best things to do in Brno

Student life in Czechia

SIM card

There are 3 main mobile providers in the Czech Republic:

You can also use the prepaid service of other providers such as Kaktus or Tesco Mobile.

If you become a member of ESN (International Exchange Student Network) you will get free Vodafone SIM card with a special tariff for international students - 3 GB of data and unlimited SMS within the Vodafone network per month within a 50% discount for 6 months. 

Brno USE-IT map

USE-IT stands for no-nonsense tourist info for young people. USE-IT maps and websites are made by young locals, are not commercial, free, and up-to-date. Some also have a visitors desk, mostly run by volunteers. Every USE-IT publishes a Map for Young Travellers that will guide you through the city in a no-nonsense way. Get a USE-IT map of Brno here or find out more here.

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Public holidays in Czechia

Date Name
January 1st New Year's Day
movable feast
Good Friday
movable feast Easter Monday
May 1st May Day
May 8th Victory Day
July 5th St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day
July 6th Jan Hus Day
September 28th Day of the Czech Statehood
October 28th Independent Czechoslovak State Day
November 17th Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
December 24th Christmas Eve
December 25th First Christmas Day
December 26th Second Christmas Day

Waste collection fee

Masaryk University is not responsible for this waste collection fee and is not able to provide further information. If you have any queries, please use the contact details below.

From 1 January 2013, the local fees for Brno municipal waste collection shall be paid by all foreign nationals (EU and non-EU) staying in Brno for more than 3 months. The aforesaid are obliged to 1) pay the fee for the respective number of months and 2) report this fact to the fee administrator.


Information for foreign nationals

Since 1/1/2013 the local fees for municipal waste in Brno have had to be paid for by:

  • all foreign nationals (both EU and non-EU) residing in Brno for longer than 3 months (until 2012 it was only those with a permanent residence permit). The fee is to be paid for by each person.
  • all owners of the property (flats or family houses) in which no person is registered as staying. For example, if you own two flats, and you are registered as a resident in one of them, and if in the other flat no-one is registered as a resident, you are liable to pay once for yourself as a result of your residence and a second time due to your ownership of property in which no-one is registered as a resident.

The above-mentioned fee payers are obliged to:

  • pay for the fee in due time (if the fee is not paid for in due time, it may be increased up to three times the fee)
  • to report this fact to the fee administrator (electronic forms are available at; failing the reporting duty may result in a fine imposed by the fee administrator.

In the administration of tax all meetings are to be conducted and all documents are to be produced in Czech.

FEE RATE = 670 CZK per payer for the calendar year 

FEE TO BE PAID BY 31st of May.

You can make the payment from January already. Concerning a duty to pay the fee arising in the period from 1/5 to 31/12, a proportionate part of the fee is payable by the last day of the month following the month in which the duty to pay the fee arose.


111220022/0800 (Česká spořitelna, a.s.), the payment reference number ("variabilní symbol") is the personal identification number of the fee payer.


at municipal e-shop:

Paying for the fee AT THE CASH DESK

Address: Šumavská 35, Building C, 3th floor

When making a payment in cash at the cash desk, you need to know the name and surname, address, and date of birth for each of the fee payers that you are making the payment for.

Cash desk opening hours:    Mon: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00

                                                 Tue: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 14:30

                                                 Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00

                                                 Thur.: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 14:00

                                                 Fri: 8:00 – 12:00


  • In person: Šumavská 35, Building C, 3th floor, on business days Monday, Wednesday: 8:00 – 17:00 and Friday: 8:00 – 12:00
  • By telephone: 542 174 301, 542 174 304, 542 174 305, 542 174 306, 542 174 300
  • In writing: Odbor životního prostředí MMB, Kounicova 67, 601 67 Brno
  • E-mail:

(If you are interested in receiving information in Czech by e-mail, please register at this website.)

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    Health insurance

    Unless exempt due to citizenship or special circumstances (see if you are exempt), you must provide proof that you hold Czech medical insurance before the visa/residence permit is affixed to your travel document. The insurance must cover the entire period of your stay in the Czech Republic determined in accordance with the period your permit has been issued for.

    As of August 2nd, 2021 comprehensive medical insurance for foreign nationals has to be arranged with one particular insurance company – Pojišťovna VZP, a.s. (PVZP).

    Travel medical insurance during a stay longer than 90 days

    Order your health insurance from PVZP with 10 % discount for MUNI students

    Medical aid

    With your health insurance, you are entitled to visit any general practitioner or dentist. If you have eye problems or any other problem you should first visit a general practitioner, who will examine you and then, if necessary, arrange for you to see a specialist.

    Unless it is urgent, we recommend making an appointment in advance on the phone. Don't forget to take the insurance card, number or any document proving your insurance.

    Faculty of Medicine has also put together a list of GPs and other doctors that speak English. You can find the overview here

    Find out more (CZS)

    Find out more (Faculty of Medicine)

    Support Center for Students with Special Needs

    The Teiresias Center (the official name is the Support Center for Students with Special Needs) has been an office of the Rectorate at Masaryk University since 2000. The Center's primary task is to provide maximum accessibility to all accredited degree programmes at the University for the visually impaired, the deaf and hearing impaired, people with limited or restricted mobility and people with other types of disabilities.
    In the University's organizational structure, the Center is one of the offices at the Rectorate to be concerned with student issues, along with the Office for Studies and Office for Student Welfare.
    The Center also coordinates the life-long education programme for the blind. This programme's objective is to allow the blind, regardless of age or social status, to enhance their education in accredited subjects.

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    The Accommodation and Catering Services of Masaryk University (SKM MU) is a purpose-built facility of the university that provides the operation of canteens and accommodation facilities at Masaryk University ( 

    We will send you all the necessary information concerning your application for dormitories by e-mail in advance.

    Studying Czech on your own

    If you would like to start learning Czech on your own, you can try Duolingo or Memrise. With these apps, you can study Czech whenever you have just a few minutes of free time. 

    Alternatively, you can also check out this list of study portals and materials put together by the South Moravian Regional Center for the Support of the Integration of Foreigners. They even offer Czech language courses that are free of charge for EU nationals

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    Free Public Barbecue Spots in Brno

    With higher temperatures, it’s tempting to get out to some quiet place, pop a few beers, or grill a špekáček or two with friends. Grilling season is officially on in Brno.

    Since 2016, there are a few public grill spots one can use in the city. Three of them are located on the outskirts of the city on the beaches of Brno Dam and one more in Lužánky park. To find out more, click here.

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    Licence fee for broadcasting of TV and Radio

    • Do you have a television in your flat/house?
    • Do you have a long-term or permanent residence card?
    If you answered yes to both questions, you have to pay a licence fee. No matter if you watch only internet TV or foreign channels. Just the fact that you own a TV which can receive a TV signal is a ground for the licence fee.
    The point of the fee is to support the public and independent news service and broadcasting of Czech TV and Czech Radio.

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