Courses taught
Spring 2013 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2012 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis (VH_38a, VHK_25)
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- State final examenation
- Thesis (VH_42a, VHK_42)
- World Music I.
Spring 2012 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis (VH_38a, VHK_25)
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- State final examenation
- Theory and History of Rock Music I
- Thesis
Spring 2011 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis (VH_38a, VHK_25)
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- State final examenation
- Theory and history of popular music I.
- Thesis
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2009 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2009 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- Bachelor thesis (IMbd001, IMKbd001)
- Bachelor's Minor Thesis
- Final State Examination
- Mass communications and pop culture (MVK_08, MVKK_06)
- State Bachelor's Exam
- State final examenation (MVK_03, SRUS_18, UEV_08)
- Theory and History of Rock Music II
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachalor degree thesis (VH_38a, VHK_25)
- Bachelor Dissertation (US_30, USK_19)
- Bachelor thesis
- Bachelor's Minor Thesis
- State Bachelor's Exam
- Theory and history of popular music II.