Total number of publications: 15
Gender Specifics in Matchmaking Advertisements
Gender. Love and Intimacy, year: 2014
Interpersonal and Crosscultural Communication: Australian Aborigines and Central European Romanies
Identity in Intercultural Communication, year: 2011
Clemens W.A. Fritz: From English in Australia to Australian English
Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, year: 2010, volume: 24/2010
Matchmaking Advertisements and Societal Values
Languages in the Integrating World, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2010, number of pages: 14 s.
Společenské hodnoty a jejich jazykové ztvárnění v seznamovacích inzerátech.
Jazyky v integraci - integrace v jazycích, edition: Vyd. první, year: 2010, number of pages: 15 s.
Personal Advertisement: A Mirror of Societal Values?
Year: 2009, number of pages: 336 s.
What is 'Ocker' and 'Fair Dinkum'? Australian English, its development and recent trends
Proceedings of the second triennial conference on British, American and Canadian studies, year: 2009
Immigrants' integration into the mainstream culture in Australia (as reflected in personal advertisements]
Brno studies in English, year: 2005
Knowing the language is not enough
Acta academia karviniensia, year: 2005
Love Lines:Personal Advertisements in Australia and Canada
Postcolonial Subjects Canadian and Australian Perspectives, year: 2004