Courses taught
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Czech History in the 20th Century
- Dissertation (Bachelors) (HIA117, HIAK116)
- Dissertation (Masters)
- Dissertation supervision
- Dissertation supervision I-II
- Examination (Bachelors)
- Examination in the History of the Twentieth Century
- Extended Essay (Bachelors)
- Extended Essay (Masters)
- Extended Essay Supervision (HIA120, HIA237)
- History of the Netherlands to the Seventeenth Century
- Chapters from the History of the First Republic
- Introduction to Modern History (HIA109u, HIAK109u)
- Thesis for the Comprehensive Examination in History
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Czech History in the 20th Century
- Dissertation (Bachelors) (HIA117, HIAK116)
- Dissertation (Masters)
- Dissertation supervision (HIA119, HIAK123)
- Dissertation supervision I-II
- Examination in the History of the Twentieth Century
- Extended Essay (Bachelors)
- Extended Essay (Masters)
- Extended Essay Supervision (HIA120, HIA237)
- History of the USA in the Eighteenth Century
- Introduction to Modern History
- Problems of Democracy and Eduard Beneš
- Thesis for the Comprehensive Examination in History
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Czech History in the 20th Century
- Czech History in the 20th Century - seminar
- Dissertation (Bachelors)
- Dissertation (Masters)
- Dissertation supervision I-II
- Extended Essay (Masters)
- History of the USA in the Eighteenth Century
- Political top of first czechoslovak republic
- Thesis for the Comprehensive Examination in History
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- Czech History in the 20th Century (HIAK112, HIAK112s)
- Dissertation (Bachelors)
- Dissertation (Masters)
- Dissertation supervision I
- Dissertation supervision II
- Dissertation supervision I-II
- Extended Essay (Masters)
- History of the Netherlands to the Seventeenth Century
- Chapters from the History of the First Republic
- The Right in the Interwar Czechoslovakia and Jiří Stříbrný
- Thesis for the Comprehensive Examination in History
Spring 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- Czech History in the 20th Century (HIA112, HIA112s)
- Dissertation (Masters)
- Dissertation supervision I-II
- Extended Essay (Masters)
- History of the USA in the Eighteenth Century