Courses taught
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- American Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Bachelor's Thesis - Prajznerová
- Independent Readings - Prajznerová (AJ19633, AJ29633)
- Introduction to Literary Studies II
- Literary and Cultural Theory II
- Literature of the American South
- Master's Thesis - Prajznerová
- Minor Paper - Prajznerová
- Minor Thesis - Prajznerová
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- American Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Baccalaureate Paper - Prajznerová
- Canadian Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Independent Readings - Prajznerová (AJ19633, AJ29633)
- Introduction to Literary Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Literature of the American Southwest
- Master's Thesis - Prajznerová
- Minor Paper - Prajznerová
- Minor Thesis - Prajznerová
Spring 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- American Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Baccalaureate Paper - Prajznerová
- Canadian Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Independent Readings - Prajznerová (AJ19633, AJ29633)
- Introduction to Literary Studies II
- Literature of the Native People of the U.S. and Canada
- Master's Thesis - Prajznerová
- Minor Thesis - Prajznerová