20 December 2021 The Johannes Amos Comenius Programme (P JAC) for the programming period 2021-2027 was submitted to the European Commission for approval. Officially, a so-called formal dialogue has been launched, at the end of which the approved P JAC will support the education, research and development sectors of around 90 billion. CZK.
Given the interest in informing potential applicants of planned interventions, The programme's managing authority (Ministry of Education) moved to publish a draft version of the 2022 call schedule and launched the programme's website. The schedule of calls for 2022 (including individual dates) is based on the assumption that the P JAC will be approved by the European Commission in April 2022. The final timetable for the calls will be published at the end of the approval process. If the dialogue stage is delayed, the dates will be moved.
For more information on P JAC, support areas and basic interventions, please visit the R&D office website. We will inform you about the relevant challenges for FA MU via the News.
Further information on the programme: