Project information
Indo-European Linguistic Interference in Central Asia and China

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2012 - 12/2015
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
Tocharian languages, Eastern Iranian languages, Indo-Aryan languages, Altaic languages, Sino-Tibetan languages, history and archaeology of Central Asia and NW China, comparative linguistics, language interferences, glottochronology, buddhism, mythology,

Objective is to research interferences of older Indo-European languages with Altaic and Sino-Tibetan languages in Central Asia and China. The project reflects the newest discoveries of interval of writing of Tocharian texts which is now 600 years longer than original suppositions. Due to this fact there is strong need to make: 1. new analysis of Tocharian lexicon + comparing the data of manuscripts and historical records from longer period of time; 2. re-examining the diffusion of Buddhist terminology and Indian mythology in Central Asian languages; 3. lexicostatistical analysis of Middle Iranian languages + representation of their spreading to the East; 4. new research of linguistic interactions between Indo-European, Altaic and Sino-Tibetan languages in the Tarim Basin and surroundings including the toponyms. Outputs: 8 articles and 2 monographs: 1 in Czech and 1 in English with modifications. Accessories: own web pages in Czech and in English connecting the project to international network; teaching of courses at the Masaryk University.


Total number of publications: 125

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