"Suma o katarech a leonistech" od Raniera Sacconiho (1250) a katarské skupiny ve druhé čtvrtině 13. století

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Title in English "Summa de catharis et leonistis" by Raniero Sacconi (1250) and Cathar Groups in the Second Quarter of the Thirteenth Century


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Raniero (Rainier) Sacconi; Summa de catharis et leonistis seu pauperibus de Lugduno; Cathars; Catharism; Waldensians; Waldensianism; Lombardy; treatises on heresy
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Description This article presents the first Czech translation, with introduction and notes, of the Summa de catharis et leonistis seu pauperibus de Lugduno written in 1250 by the Dominican friar Raniero Sacconi, who was soon to become – or was already at that time – inquisitor in Lombardy and one of the pillars of papal anti-heretical policy in the 1250s and early 1260s. The translation is based on the critical edition of the text by François [Franjo] Šanjek (ed.), "Raynerius Sacconi O. P. Summa de Catharis", Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 44, 1974, 30-60. The article identifies the reference to a New Testament prophecy (p. 59, lines 24-25, of Šanjek’s edition), unidentified by the editor of the text, as a reference to 1 Timothy 4:1-3. It also interprets the mention of the "ecclesia Philadelfie, in Romania". The motif of the "Church of Philadelphia” was probably first used in Cathar foundation myths referring to the “Churches of Asia" from the Revelation (in this case, Revelation 1:11 and 3:7-13) in order to provide Cathar Episcopal ordination and the consolamentum with a guarantee of apostolic succession. This reference was then taken over by Raniero, himself a Cathar for seventeen years, and later expanded by his continuator Anselm of Alessandria in his Tractatus de hereticis, this time as part of a polemical narrative on the Manichean origin of the Cathar Churches.
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