Die für den Heiligen Grab bestimmten Sepolcri in der 1. Hälfte des 18. Jhs. zwischen Mähren, Wien und Pressburg

Title in English Sepolcri designed for presentation at the Holy Sepulchre in the 1st half 18th century. between Moravia, Vienna and Bratislava


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the contribution view was thrown of Sepolcro librettos, which were partly of different religious (especially Oratorians, Capuchins and Augustinian) brought to the stage. In addition, she was able to prove through source research in the archives of Johann Adam Graf von Questenberg (1678-1752) that are assumed to be semi-theatrical performances before the Holy grave in Moravian Jaroměřice / Jarmeritz. How close is the "Wiener Sepolcro" So to define? If (regardless of their formal structure) as overarching term for corresponding performances may "Passion Oratorio" be chosen?
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