Paralelní verze testů: proč a jak?


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Title in English Parallel test versions: why and how?


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The poster outlines a dissertation project that focuses on the issue of assurance of the test versions comparability in the context of high-stakes exams – upper-secondary school leaving examinations on English as a foreign language. The research will be realized using real data provided by Slovak institution NÚCEM. The findings, conclusions and suggestions might be useful for similar centralised exams, that aroused in the Central, East and East-South Europe after the 1989. In our view, test versions comparability is one of the key concepts related closely to the fairness and validity of the exams, at all stakes. We follow the view of validity as it was outlined by Messick (1989), i.e. that the key aspects of test validity are „the interpretability, relevance, and utility of scores“, and the decisions, actions, and social consequences based on the test results. The aims of the research are as follows: - To investigate what comparability means in high- and low-stakes contexts and how it has been dealt, established and proved by different bodies in the field of language testing (Cambridge ESOL, Goethe Institut, European universities, national testing bodies, etc.). - To provide theoretical rationale for the development of comparable test versions - To investigate what methods and approaches would be suitable for the context of Slovak national high-stakes exams given the existing constrains (e.g. legislation, accountability to the stakeholders and to the public in general) and how to implement them in the processes of test development. The investigation of test versions comparability comprises analyses of different aspects of the exam: structural and content equivalence of the construct, psychometric equivalence of the test versions, and structural equivalence of the test-takers´ population.
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