Teaching Specialized Translation Error-tagged Translation Learner Corpora



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sendebar
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Sendebar is the journal published by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada. It is an international and annual journal whose scope extends to every discipline related to the fields of translation and interpreting.
Field Linguistics
Keywords teaching translation learner corpora error-tagging bilingual corpora corpus-aided language learning; error statistics
Attached files
Description This paper describes the method used in teaching specialised translation in the English Language Translation Master’s programme at Masaryk University. After a brief description of the courses, the focus shifts to translation learner corpora (TLC) compiled in the new Hypal interface, which can be integrated in Moodle. Student translations are automatically aligned (with possible adjustments), PoS (part-of-speech) tagged, and manually error-tagged. Personal student reports based on error statistics for individual translations to show students’progress throughout the term or during their studies in the four-semester programme can be easily generated. Using the data from the pilot run of the new software, the paper concludes with the first results of the research examining a learner corpus of translations from Czech into English.
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