Rod, pol i gender na stranicach žurnala "Kvir"

Title in English Grammatical gender, sex and gender on pages of magazine „Kvir“

SOMMER Jaroslav

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The author focuses on sex and the concept of gender, both from the grammatical and socio-cultural point of view. The topic is researched on the material from the Russian magazine „Kvir“, published since 2005, and targeted at the LGBT community, especially gays. The article analyses only the materials from the printed issues (i.e. 2005-2012). The author concludes that the unique character of the texts is conditioned not only by the topics dealt with but also by the readership, which then results into unconventional approaches to the concepts of sex and gender.
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