Od věcí veskrze škodlivých k národnímu pokladu. Složité cesty akceptace tradiční kultury jako součásti kulturního dědictví národa

Title in English From things harmful to the national treasure. Complex ways of accepting traditional culture as part of the nation's cultural heritage


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Rural and urban educated elites have emerged from their professional positions in traditional cultural elements that they call traditional culture. Though many of them come from a rural setting, in their new social (or socio-professional) role they usually hold positions other than direct actors in rural and small-town festivals. The paper focuses on the dynamics of the process of promoting the interpretation of selected types of intangible culture. He will also take note of the role of locally acting personalities in defining/redefining significant value elements of traditional culture - on the imaginary axis: destructor - collector and conservator - an innovator. The intended text, which should be understood as a contribution to the understanding of the process of gradual rehabilitation or satisfaction of elements of traditional culture culminating in the late 19th century with the imaginary glorification of this part of the cultural heritage.
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